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16/08/2024 09:35 - Xem: 35

I am a Senior Lecturer, currently serving as the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry and the Director of the Institute of Forestry and Sustainable Development at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry.

Professional Experience

 As a scientist in the fields of Forestry and Environment, I have been the lead consultant for numerous international and domestic projects specializing in forest restoration, forestry land use, sustainable forest management and certification, and biodiversity. I have worked as a consultant for countries such as Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand. In Vietnam, I have served as an independent expert or lead consultant for projects under organizations like CARE, UNDP, EC, UN-REDD, JICA, ...

For forest restoration field, I have led many national, ministerial, and provincial research projects focused on selecting tree species for timber and non-timber forest products that are suitable for the conditions of climate change, including drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, flood-resistant, wind-resistant, and pest-resistant species.

For Climate change, from 2014 to 2020, I served as a national consultant for building guiding documents for REDD+ action planning at the provincial level across the country, working with international organizations including UNDP, UN-REDD, FAO, Vietnam Forest, and relevant departments at national, provincial levels, and pilot regions on the REDD+ program in many northern provinces of Vietnam. Period from 2021 to 2024, I have directly managed and operated three international projects related to climate change, as Strengthening Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development in Vietnam (CLIDEV funded by Finland), "Forest Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Livelihoods in Bangladesh and Vietnam" (FORSU funded by EC), and "Learning Center for Zero Emission and Climate Resilience in Northern Vietnam" (LEARN-VN funded by BRFW/ICRAF).

I have published 80 scientific papers, including 20 international articles indexed in ISI/Scopus, 12 textbooks, reference books, and monographs; secured 12 plant variety protection certificates, 7 utility solutions, and 21 forest planting and propagation procedures.

Education and Training

 I hold a PhD in Environmental Science from the Australian National University (2004–2007) and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2014 and Professor in 2023. I have completed various professional development courses in Forest Landscape Restoration, Biodiversity, Conservation, Tree Improvement, Trees and Forests, and Carbon Measuring. Additionally, I have been certified under the Australian Leadership Awards Fellowships Program on "Knowledge Sector Development for Sustainable Resources Management in Response to Climate Change" since 2013.

Private Science Prize:

- KOVALEVSKAIA Award in 2019 for outstanding research achievements of individual female scientists, Vietnam Women's Union - Kovalevskaia Foundation.

- Honored in the list of the 100 outstanding scientists of Asia in 2021. The Asian Scientist Journal. Asian Scientist 100.

- Vietnam's Glory 2021" Award, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Contact information:


Phone: 0915 047 167